On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 11:40:15PM -0700, Walt Pawley wrote:
> Perhaps even better would be not to use the word "head" as the name of a
> command in the first place - especially one that overwrites a command
> provided by MacOSX in the first place? I don't really know what the LWP
> "head" command did (and foolishly deleted it so I'd have a harder time
> finding out now), but the word "header" seems to be available on my system
> and might suffice.

In my not especially humble opinion, this is the fault of a
case-insensitive filesystem, not the LWP distribution.  Of course, I use
UFS for precisely that reason, and have learned to live with the
headaches *that* causes.  :-)  Probably I shouldn't be starting a
flamewar on such a well-hashed-over topic, though, and so I
pre-emptively say that I am probably wrong. :-)

Be that as it may.  If you trust me, you can get a replacement
/usr/bin/head at http://davidhand.com/stuff/head.gz (taken from my
10.2.6 system).

David "cogent" Hand 
<http://davidhand.com/> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <icq:4321282> 

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