At 08:14 +0200 7/13/03, Yvon Thoraval wrote:
>Curiously i've found the so called "natural language" of AS loosing me... being 
>un-natural to me.

At 08:00 -0700 7/13/03, Chris Nandor wrote:
>Yes ... not to keep this discussion alive or anything. . . . .

And, folks. Don't make the mistake, as I once did, of confusing Chris Nandor with 
Chris Nebel.

The latter is the guru on the AppleScript mailing list who corrected me when I 
referred to AppleScript as "natural English". It's "English - like" to the cognoscenti.

It's the AppleScript dictionaries that make scripting so obscure. Statements, intended 
to allow ordinary Mac users to write scripts, like:

"document inherits all of the properties of the superclass"

are not likely to be found in the Camel book or Learning Perl..


Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

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