on 9/20/03 7:41 PM, Jerry Beck at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm looking for any information I can get on using perl on Mac OS X?
> Where do I start?

This is a pretty good place ;)

> What books are available?

I bought the "Perl CD Bookshelf" and copied the contents to my hard drive
then setup a bookmark in my web browser. I consistently use the "Perl
Cookbook" more than any of the others, so I'd have to say it's my favorite.

> Is there any special sites covering perl and FileMaker on OS X server?
> Where can I get Sample scripts?

Dunno....  But I think you can use a perl script to run an Applescript,
which you should be able to find for FMP.

> How do I activate a script from a text editor?

Start the "Terminal" app. Type:

[localhost:~] MyMac% perl path/toMy/perlScript.pl

Then get BBEdit. The free "Lite" version will get you started and a discount
on the "Full" version (which you'll want asap). It's got great built-in
support for perl and provide syntax checking, and let's you run perl scripts
in a few different ways with just a click.

> How do I activate a script which does a controlled shutdown of my
> servers when a power failure occurs? I have a network management card
> in my APC.

One approach might be to use a perl script run from Cron that interacts with
the APC. If the APC can send a message to the System OS, then it should be
able to tell perl (or let perl find out) that something has happened. A
check for an existing "Warning" file should be enough to get things started.

> Any light on the subjects would be appreciated.
> Jerry


Bill Stephenson

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