I guess there is no fix right now.

But actually the bug is somewhat convenient. Now a BBEdit script starting with
    #!/opt/local/bin/perl -w
    # Perl 5.8
uses Perl 5.8.0 with its @INC list if "Run" from BBEdit and
uses Perl 5.6.0 with a different @INC list if "Run in Terminal".

It's not all bad---though it is a bit confusing.



At 12:03 PM -0400 10/16/03, Bare Bones Software Technical Support wrote:
There is a bug in BBEdit where run in terminal hard codes the path to perl as /usr/bin/perl instead of taking the other usual steps to choose which interpreter to run. I have a bug logged and this will be corrected for the next release.

At 9:56 AM -0400 10/16/03, Vic Norton wrote:
I have recently installed Perl 5.8.0 on my iMac via "PortsManager" from
DarwinPorts <http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/darwinports/>. Perl 5.8.0
resides in the "/opt/local/bin" directory, and this directory is at the
beginning of $PATH. Everything works well except that BBEdit seems rather
confused. Any suggestions as to how to rectify this confusion would be

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