The other options for upgrading to Panther are "Upgrade", which is an in-place OS upgrade, and "Archive and Install" which puts on a new OS and keeps all your old stuff in a folder for you to fiddle with later. (Assuming that you've checked the right box during the install, I think it's "Preserve Users and Network Settings".) Your "old stuff" is defined as what's in /Users so if you have other stuff you want to keep, back it up.

Note that retaining the /Users directory means that the filesystem can't be completely rebuilt, so if you're like me and you have some hard drive errors, you'll need the "Erase and Install" option.

Good luck, it's worth it.

Chris Cantrall [EMAIL PROTECTED] aka: Louis_Wu

On Oct 30, 2003, at 1:42 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Oct 30, 2003, at 4:35 PM, Robert Whittle wrote:

I'm wondering, if one selects the clean install option on 10.3, what happens to perl 5.6 and any libraries installed under 10.2?

They're deleted, along with everything else - "clean install" formats the disk.


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