On 11/17/03 2:52 AM, "xweb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks all but...
> I don't explain well the problem!
> So, i'm processing a very big text file ( from A DB ) in this format
> number|field 1|field2| field 3| etc. Every line is a record.Every line
> contains many url.
> I'm interested about specific url and i don't consider the others.
> while ( $line =~ s/href=\"([^"]+)\"//) {
> $url = $1; ###ALL URL#####
> if ($url =~ m/\/[^,]+,([^,]+),([^,]+),[^,]+\.html?$/) {
>  ($var1,$var2)=($1,$2); ###INTERESTING URL AND VALUES####
> }
> }
> In this way i obtain two values that interested me! It's works!
> Now i must substitute these url <a href="$url">the_link </a> with
> <idlink=$var2>the_link</idlink> and then i write to a new file with this
> substitution on all the field of file!
> Can you help me?

The only thing you haven't captured is `the_link`.

 open (FH, "> path/to/new/file") || die "$!\n"; # open new file to write to

 while ( $line =~ /<a href=\"([^"]+)\".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/) {
 $url = $1; ###ALL URL#####
 $the_link = $2;
 if ($url =~ m/\/[^,]+,([^,]+),([^,]+),[^,]+\.html?$/) {
  ($var1,$var2)=($1,$2); ###INTERESTING URL AND VALUES####
  print FH "<idlink=$var2>$the_link</idlink>"; # print to new file

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