The || and or operators differ in the evaluation of their operands. It probably 
doesn't matter in this particular case but don't be fooled into thinking they are the 

|| and && are "short circuit" operators that may not evaluate all of their operands.

Programming Perl, 3rd edition,, page 102

At 11:42 -0500 11/21/03, Chris Devers wrote:
>On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Jeremy Mates wrote:
>> * Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >    open(FILE,">hello.txt") || die("Cannot Open File: $!");
>> I find '||' far less readable than 'or', and far more likely to cause
>> precedence problems. Though I do write fairly () free Perl code.
>Agreed, but I was trying not to nitpick :)
>I was trying to focus on the 'structural' issues, not 'stylistic' ones,
>but now that you mention it, the English versions of some of the operators
>('or' instead of '||', 'and' instead of '&&') do seem to make code much
>more readable.
>    open(FILE,">hello.txt") or die("Cannot Open File: $!");

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