At 10:10 pm -0800 28/12/03, Kim Helliwell wrote:
I have a long string of characters (> 40,000 chars)
that I need to break up into strings of 6 chars each.
Is there a simple way to do this in Perl? unpack()
doesn't seem to be the right solution; there are no
terminations for the strings I'm after.

Have I actually found something that is easier in C
than in Perl?


I'm presuming the string is in a file. This script writes such a file and does what you want. But TMTOWTDI

my ($s, $f, $i) = qw~sixsix /tmp/50000.txt~ ;
open F, ">$f";
for (1..12 ) {$s .= "$s" ;print F $s;}
close F;

sysopen FIN, $f, 0 ;
while (sysread FIN, $s, 6) {++$i ; print "$i. $s\n"}


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