Hey Zach, Rick and everyone who helped me on this:

I just finished a very simple script that reads out my IP-address from the ppp0 device, creates a small HTML file and uploads it to my webhoster so i can access my g4 from anywhere in the world. The script is the patchwork of a beginner, so any advice on making it nicer is greatly appreciated. It is run as a cronjob to assure the up-to-dateness of the IP.
Anyway, here's the script:

use Net::FTP;

#all the neccessary info for loggin into the ftp server
my $hostname = 'myftpserver.com';
my $user ='username';
my $pass = 'password';

#where on the server should which file go?
my $dir = '/public_html';
my $file = '/Users/Shared/g4server.html';

#read out my ip address
my $ifconfig = `ifconfig ppp0`; # the ifconfig command gives the current network information
$ifconfig =~ /inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/; # extract the ip address with a regular expression
my $ip = $1;

# write it to a html file
open (OUTPUT,">/Users/Shared/g4server.html");
print OUTPUT "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>g4server address</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";
print OUTPUT "<H1>Access g4server.local</H1>\n";
print OUTPUT '<a href=http://';
print OUTPUT $ip;
print OUTPUT ">Apache</a><br />\n";

print OUTPUT '<a href=https://';
print OUTPUT $ip;
print OUTPUT ":10000>Webmin</a><br />\n";

print OUTPUT "</BODY></HTML>";
close (OUTPUT);

#upload the html file

$ftp = Net::FTP->new($hostname);
$ftp->login($user, $pass);

Maybe it will brighten up some other beginners day :-)


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