Have you ever looked at Perl/Tk ? It provides a complete GUI for Perl under X11.


On Jan 11, 2004, at 10:51 PM, Rick Measham wrote:

Hello People,

I need some help with a perl on OS-X problem. I need to pop up a 'Save As' dialog. Basically the same as the one AppleScript gives you when you:
choose file name with prompt "Select a location to save this file" default name "Name"

but I need to do this from perl. At first I thought it might be simple:
$file = `osascript -e 'choose file name with prompt "test1" default name "test2"'`;
but that gives me: 0:57: execution error: No user interaction allowed. (-1713)

So next I used CPAN module Mac::AppleScript and I don't get any reply at all:
RunAppleScript(qq(choose file name with prompt "test1" default name "test2"));

But I figure that somewhere in all this there must be a way to pop up such a dialog directly from perl.


Thanks and Cheers!

Rick Measham
Senior Designer and Developer

Printaform Pty Ltd
Tel: (03) 9850 3255
Fax: (03) 9850 3277
vcard: http://www.printaform.com.au/staff/rickm.vcf

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