At 3:38 pm -0500 18/1/04, Andy Turner wrote:

There some sort of regexp strangeness going on here that I can't grok.
Your script doesn't work for me unless I print out the values of $1 AND $2.
If I just print out one it doesn't work either.

I can't say. I've tried it in BBEdit, in another Perl editor, in Eudora using 'do shell script ...' and in the Terminal and it works fine in all.

I ought to say that I'm using Perl 5.8.3, but I certainly was not aware that I was using some great new functionality.

Hey, wait a minute -- maybe I was :-) I get your problem if I run it in MacPerl with 5.6.1 and, as you say, it works if I add push @harder, "$1$2"; before the loop.


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