At 9:34 am -0500 29/1/04, Sherm Pendley wrote:

A broken copy of the project template snuck its way into the release. I've added a new "XcodeExtras-Update.pkg" package to the sourceforge site. It includes the proper template, which does have a "MainWindow.nib", and fixes the bug in (ProjectName)

Thanks for that Sherm. Things are making a bit more sense now.

I have now build dummy apps 1 and 2 and had them working well. I am now at stage 3 of my weaning process --

Here the problem is getting both buttons to insert the appropriate text into the text field. I have have one button behaving and then the other and then I have had the goodbye button inset "hello:" and the hello button do nothing, but I have not succeeded in getting them both to work.

The code I've added to is as below, and I've control-dragged both buttons to "File's Owner".

....No, forget it. I've finally succeeded in hitting on the right combination of actions in XCode to get things working. I must say I find the Interface extremely confusing and temperamental. It must be designed by and for people who do a lot of game-playing or something. I suppose I'll just have to get used to it.

Anyway, so far everything's working as advertised. Thanks.


sub sayHello { my ($self, $sender) = @_; $self->{'TextLabel'}->setStringValue("Hello"); } sub sayGoodbye { my ($self, $sender) = @_; $self->{'TextLabel'}->setStringValue("Goodbye"); }

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