--- "Jason F.B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using OS X Server 10.2.8, Upgraded to 10.3 
> Server Since I upgraded to 10.3 I have not been 
> able to get Perl to work. 

Others on the list will be able to give you a much
better answer than I but, I believe the problem is
that you need to install the Developer Tools from
Apple. Ye be warned, these'll take up to a gig of
space and need to be on your boot disk/partition. 

Half of that's documentation, and much of the rest is
aimed towards GUI programming; look back a little bit
in the archives for tricks on paring the DevTools down
(thread: "Developers Tools & iTunes")

Perl, as installed, should still work fine (try
running a simple "Hello World" program, frex). But in
order to install most modules not in the standard
distribution you'll need the DevTools (which include
the commandline program "make").


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