Or use $ENV{HOME} instead of ~.

- Jan

Doug McNutt wrote:

>I worry that the ~/ convention for the home directory is a shell
>convention. In the first case it is expanded by the shell while in
>the other cases it's expanded by perl. Does perl honor the option?
>When you say @INC is properly modified is the expansion done in the
>list as displayed?
>In either case I'd try a full pathname because it's an easy thing to
>At 14:33 -0800 2/15/04, wren argetlahm wrote:
>>% perl -I ~/lib script.pl #!perl use module;
>>....(or moral equivalent) works fine but:
>>% ./script.pl #!perl -I ~/lib use module;
>>% ./script.pl #!perl use lib '~/lib'; use module;
>>....both return the error that they can't find the module, even
>>though @INC is modified as it should be.
The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they start selling 
vacuum cleaners.

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