Hi to all,
maybe I'm out of topic: his one is more properly a shell programmming problem, but I have no idea about how to install pTk on my apple.
I use iBook with Panther (shell: tcsh), I downloaded Tk804.025 beta 14 from cpan and I read the readme.darwin file, in which is written:

For Tk804.025 to build properly on Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or 10.3
(Panther), Perl must be built dynamic, rather that the default of
static.  Use a Configure incantation similar to this:

sh Configure -des -Duseshrplib [-Dprefix=/path/to/your/private/perl]

S. Lidie, 2003/10/27

ok. now, I have no idea how to translate the line
sh Configure -des -Duseshrplib [-Dprefix=/path/to/your/private/perl]
in a real command for me (it is necessary, for example, to set prefix?, can't I use the /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1 diterctory in which are stored all the other perl modules?).

someone can help me?
thanks a lot,

adriano allora

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