On 2/26/04 11:24 AM, "Sherm Pendley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Feb 26, 2004, at 11:14 AM, Riccardo Perotti wrote:
>> Can somebody point me in the right direction and / or contribute an
>> idea for
>> this?
> Have a look at the man page for the 'killall' command. In short, it
> signals processes by name, so you don't need to know the PID. You can
> use system() to run it from Perl, like this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> system 'killall -KILL pppd';
> sherm--
Thanks Sherm! That definitely looks like "a step in the right direction".

Now the only problem is that 'pppd' a process owned by root. Should my
script be run as 'root'? That sounds kind of dangerous! ... can it / should
it be done? When at the Terminal I have to 'sudo kill' and the get asked my
password. How would I do a 2 step process from 1 perl script?

Thanks again!



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