In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jtownsen) wrote:

> I have several Perl scripts that I run on Win XP. I'd like to port them to 
> my OS X box. From what I've read on the web, I can run Unix Perl from the 
> OS X console.
> --what version of Unix Perl (Linux vs Solaris, for example) should I use?

There is no "Unix Perl (Linux vs Solaris)".  They both use the same perl, 
from the same source.  If you mean precompiled binary versions, then no, you 
would not run Linux or Solaris binaries on Mac OS X, you would run Mac OS X 
binaries on Mac OS X!

Chances are, if you don't really know what you're doing, you'll just want to 
use the perl that already comes installed on Mac OS X.  For Mac OS X 10.3, 
that means perl 5.8.1.  For earlier versions, it would be perl 5.6.0.  But 
perl is already there on the system, you should be all set.

If you need to build modules etc., you should also install the Developer 
Tools, that come with Mac OS X (in Mac OS X 10.3 it is called the XCode 
Tools).  If you did not get Developer Tools/XCode Tools (either on a 
separate CD or as an installer in /Applications/), then head on over to and get a free ADC account, and download it.

> --any pitfalls I should be aware of when moving from Win to OS X/Unix?
> --any related documentation you can recommend would be appreciated

Read the perlport manpage, it should get you started on anything you need to 
know, and give you an idea of what to do on anything else that may arise.  
After reading through it and getting a general understanding, please feel 
free to ask any Mac OS X-perl-specific questions here.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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