
Although it's not a Perl soultion, here's a link which might give you just 
what you need:

Hope this helps.

Bill J.

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Chris Devers wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Ken Williams wrote:
> > For my wedding
> Congratulations!
> > I made an AppleWorks database containing the names of all the wedding
> > guests, their addresses, emails, and so on.  Now I want to merge that
> > info back into Address Book.
> >
> > Anyone have recommendations for how to do this nicely?  I thought
> > about creating vCards and merging them somehow, but none of the CPAN
> > vCard modules seem to actually be able to create them.  Also, I'm not
> > exactly clear on how I'd do the merge anyway.  Is there some way to
> > tap into iSync or something?
> Err, this may be a more annoying than helpful suggestion, but have you
> considered using Palm Desktop as an intermediary? It can import data in
> a variety of formats, including CSV. If you can get your AppleWorks
> database to make a report in a CSV format that Palm Desktop can use,
> then Palm Desktop can in turn export the data in a format that Address
> Book can import (e.g. vCard).
> There's probably a more direct way to do this, but this may be easier.
> You can download Palm Desktop for free whether or not you're a Palm
> user, and it is reasonably good at this kind of task.

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