On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 10:50:01PM -0500, Ken Williams wrote:

> Say, I built the Address_Book glue and looked through its docs, but I 
> don't see methods to search the database for entries that have certain 
> properties.  Do you know of any way to use the "Find" functionality, or 
> specify required properties, using the applescript/glue interface?

Here's the script I use for querying my addressbook from mutt.
The output format is specific to the mutt interface,
but the commented out section shows how to get the address info.

---- cut here ---
use Mac::Glue qw(:glue);
use Mac::Apps::Launch;

my $glue=Mac::Glue->new('Address Book',bundle=>'com.apple.AddressBook');
my $id=$glue->{ID};
if(!IsRunning($id)) {
    LaunchApps($glue->{ID}) or die $^E;
    $glue->close($glue->prop('window')) or warn $^E;

my $q=shift;
print "Querying AddressBook...\n";
my @people=$glue->obj('people')->get;
foreach my $entry (@people) {
    my @emails=$entry->prop('email')->get;
    next unless @emails;

    foreach my $email (@emails) {
        my $addr=$email->prop('value')->get;
        my $name=$entry->prop('name')->get;
        print "$addr\t$name\t",$email->prop('label')->get,"\n"
            if $name =~ /$q/ || $addr =~ /$q/;
#    my($addr)=$entry->prop('address')->get;
#    next unless $addr;
#    print $addr->prop('street')->get,"\n";
#    print $addr->prop('city')->get," ";
#    print $addr->prop('state')->get," ";
#    print $addr->prop('zip')->get,"\n";
exit 0;

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