Bundles can specify translations for various versions of the name in their
InfoPlist.strings file.  If the file name is changed to something that is
not in the list, it will not be localized.  The complete "official" answer
can be found here:


On 5/4/04 6:00 PM, "wren argetlahm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an account on my box that has Japanese set as
> the default language and I noticed that certain files
> get automagically renamed into Japanese (e.g. various
> Apple programs in /Applications). I also noticed that
> this is blocked if I change the name of the app (e.g.
> from "iTunes" to "iTunes 4.5"). In short, I was
> wondering where this sort of localization information
> is stored so I can muck around with this
> dual-filenaming feature.

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