I have a number of Address Book entries that contain
duplicates of phone numbers and email addresses, sometimes
the same info 4 times. I'm not sure how this state of affairs
originated; probably because I was syncing my Palm with
three computers and .Mac.  Even after removing the dups
from the Palm by hand and re-syncing, it seems they come
back after a while.

So, it seems like a Mac::Glue based script would be a perfect
way to fix and maintain single entries.

I've been successful at installing Mac::Glue, creating a glue for
Address Book, and extracting info from it with a Perl script. The
thing that eludes me is how to delete the duplicate entries once
I detect them. If I have an object that represents a phone number
entry, $phone, I try




and neither works. gluedoc for the Address Book glue says delete
takes an object as its argument, but how do you supply that argument,
and why would you need to since the object you want to delete is
the one you're calling? Or do I need to use remove? If so, with what
arguments, since it takes two?

Examples would be nice, but I cannot seem to find any by Googling
for them.

I'm an old hand at Perl, but a newbie with Mac::Glue.

Kim Helliwell
Homepage: http://homepage.mac.com/kimgh

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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