On 2004.10.5, at 10:40 AM, John Horner wrote:

Please forgive the OT nature, but I just know you will be able to help.

I upgraded an old Mac I use as a server from 10.1 to 10.2.

After the upgrade, the webserver Documents folder had all the wrong permissions. I had to log in via the terminal and CHMOD various things. All is working well now, but not for *new* files.

Every new file I upload

upload from where and how?

has the permissions "-rw-r-----" although the enclosing folder itself is "drwxr-xr-x". I'm a bit confused about this, and the more I read about UMASK the more confused I get.

Short version of question: how do I set the default permissions, permanently, recursively, for all new files uploaded to /Library/WebServer/Document/ ?

Other questions:

If I do a "rebuild permissions", will it fix this? Will it over-ride various folders which are world-writable

world writeable? whaddaya wanna doodatfer?

so I have to go back and CHMOD again? Can I run "rebuild permissions" in Terminal or only from the GUI?

And finally, if anyone's really annoyed by this being OT, where should I go to ask for this kind of help in future?


Admitted, it doesn't exactly look obvious, but if you go looking starting here you can find a "unix" forum under both Panther and Jaguar. (It's a little better hidden under 10.2.) If you look closely, it's the same forum.

If you have a (free) developer account already, you can use the same login name and password to post questions.

Not having done what you did, I'm not going to take a stab at your other questions. But what does umask without any arguments tell you? Something like 037 or 015?

Joel Rees
    even though much of what I do is not sensible
    it does make sense if you know why ...

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