I get exactly the same problem.  Have tried several versions of MySQL
(3.23.58, 4.0.17, 4.0.20) and recompiled the Msql-Mysql-modules CPAN
package against these different versions, but to no avail.  Normal DBI
works for me, but within Apache::DBI no.  Did you get a solution to this
Chris?  Anyone else got an idea?

Chris Devers wrote:

> Out of curiosity, is anyone else seeing DBI errors in their Panther Apache
> error log? Here's a typical example, slightly obscured & pretty-printed:

>     [Thu Nov 20 11:24:57 2003] null:
>          DBI connect('host=$h;database=$db','$un',...) failed:
>  +->     Protocol mismatch. Server Version = 0 Client Version = 10
>          at /path/to/script line $n

> The important bit being the "protocol mismatch" line. I've been seeing it
> ever since I upgraded to Panther last month. Normal CGI scripts that use
> DBI work just fine, but trying to run Apache::DBI keeps failing.

> I've poked around on Google, but found no hits for the particular error
> I'm seeing. I did get some hits for different values for the server &
> client versions, but no clear explanations or solutions to the problem.

> I'm running the stock Apache 1.3.28 & Perl v5.8.1-RC3 as supplied by
> Apple. These are trying to connect via Apache::DBI (current version, 0.92;
> I just tried rebuilding it *again* in the CPAN shell but no change) to a
> Fink provided instance of MySQL 4.0.15. Other system details:

>     $ hostinfo
>     Mach kernel version:
>              Darwin Kernel Version 7.0.0:
>     Wed Sep 24 15:48:39 PDT 2003; root:xnu/xnu-517.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

>     Kernel configured for up to 2 processors.
>     2 processors are physically available.
>     Processor type: ppc7400 (PowerPC 7400)
>     Processors active: 0 1
>     Primary memory available: 896.00 megabytes.
>     Default processor set: 107 tasks, 268 threads, 2 processors
>     Load average: 2.68, Mach factor: 0.23

>     $ sw_vers
>     ProductName:    Mac OS X
>     ProductVersion: 10.3.1
>     BuildVersion:   7C107

> Other details available on request. Any suggestions appreciated :)

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