Just wanted to follow up on this: I installed the December 2002 Developer Tools and the August 2003 copy of gcc and everything is fine. I got darwinports to install Perl (5.8.5) for me and everything seems fine.

Couple of supplementary questions:

1) I presume that my 10.2 box is now pretty much as up-to-date as it can be? That if I've got: OSX 10.2.8; December 2002 Dev Tools; August 2003 gcc, it's pretty much stable and solid? Is this sort of thing written somewhere, in an FAQ or something?

2) Is there a way to 'refresh' a terminal session other than just starting a new one? I ask because I SSH into this machine, and say I want to edit the .tcshrc file or whatever because I want to make aliases or tweak the path, the only way to get a new session I know is to SSH to it again.

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