Hi list.

I'm new here but thought seeing as I'm working on OSX I should
probably post here.

I'm about to start on building my own versions of Perl/Mod_perl/Apache

I've already got my own install of mod_perl and apache running quite
happily but am now having a problem with the built in perl version
(I'm about to start on Unicode, other posts coming soon, sorry) and
I've decided to get right up to date with the latest stable perl 5.8.6


OS X readme here:


I'm posting this message as much for the mail archive as anything as I
didn't  find anything particularly helpful there.

I'm trying to run a script that demands at least 5.8.3 so I can't stay
where I am, as being a unicode newbie I've got to at least rule out my
older version of perl as being one of my current problems.

Has anyone done this before? Any problems or reasons not to install
your own version of perl in /usr/local/

Makes sense to me as it's not in the same place as the apple build,
therefore I can screw around without fear of screwing something system
oriented up. And should apple suddenly change everything I don't have
to jump when they do ;)



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