On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, InnoTech Support wrote:

> Did not see any errors in Apache error log, nor anything in web log. Today,
> all is well, seems to be working fine. 
> Yesterday, we were pushing much more traffic than usual out. It appears as
> if Apache was too busy dealing with web requests, and could not process cgi
> requests until traffic subsided. Perhaps Perl/cgi requests are lower
> priority?

Who knows?

I think your best bet, if the problem appears to have vanished, is to 
look over the Apache logs for the time frame that the problem was 
happening to see if there is any record of what the problem may have 
been. You may or may not see any useful patterns, but it sounds like 
that's the only data you have to work with now. 

Chris Devers

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