In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter N Lewis) wrote:

> >Some friends have recommended vim and emacs to me. And one of the 
> >reasons is he can remotely edit a text file very easily.
> This has been mentioned a few times, but of course 
> TextWrangler/BBEdit both support Edit via FTP/SFTP, so presuming you 
> are SSHing to your target machine, then you can easily edit remote 
> files with TextWrangler/BBEdit.
> For example, on the target machine while logged in via ssh, you can do this:
> ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] bbedit sftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/perl/Peter/

I should here plug cenotaph.  It's something Matthias Neeracher wrote, and 
then I ported it to Mac OS X.

It's a client-server.  The server, cenotaph, runs on your local Mac, and the 
client, ceno, runs on the remote boxes you're using as your editor.  So you 

   ceno somefile

on the remote box, and somefile pops up on your local box, in your editor.  
When you're done editing it, cenotaph sends it back through the open 
connection to the client, where it is then saved.

Any editor works, in theory: cenotaph will execute the editor and wait for 
it to return, so it pretty much requires an editor that runs in your GUI.  
By default, it uses BBEdit (via '/usr/bin/bbedit -w').

It's a useful tool to have, especially when you can't get direct scp/sftp 
access to a machine (such as in my work environment, where I have to go 
through a gateway first to get to any of the other machines, so I either use 
a remote command line editor, or this).

There's no security, because I've never needed it and no one else seems to 
be using this and therefore no one really cares, but in theory if someone 
knew your IP address and that you were running cenotaph, they could open any 
number of files to your editor.  :-)

Anyway, it's on if you care.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Technology Group       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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