On May 18, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Rich Morin wrote:

Thanks!  Just to be clear, these look like the relevant lines:

  #LoadModule perl_module        libexec/httpd/libperl.so
  #AddModule mod_perl.c

and I assume that I should force an apache restart, as well:

apachectl restart

You probably know this already, but just for the sake of the archives - all this does is enable the module to load. You'll also need to configure the handlers you need - for instance, to specify a /cgi- registry directory that uses Apache::Registry:

    Alias /cgi-registry/ /Library/WebServer/CGI-Registry/
    <Location /cgi-registry>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        PerlSendHeader on
        Options +ExecCGI

That's good enough for a developer's desktop machine, but high- traffic production servers usually run a separate instance of Apache that's especially tuned for mod_perl. This instance runs on a "high" (>1024) port; the "main" server on port 80 serves static content directly, and acts as a proxy for requests to /cgi-registry, forwarding them to the mod_perl server.


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