I find the "can't assess its relevance" comment rather ironic.

I know Jim probably didn't mean it that way, but Hypercard was always one of those products that was difficult to define. Trouble assessing the relevance was probably the biggest barrier to its uptake. I see Runtime is still strugging with that. A lot more CPU/platforms, and a better presentation and sales strategy than two years ago when they bought rights to Metacard, but it's still hard to assess it from a management point of view.

Wish I could add some input beyond what Jim has already found with using Javascript.

On 2005.5.24, at 11:41 AM, James E Keenan wrote

This is not, strictly speaking, a Perl question, but ...

In order to do a conference presentation on an aspect of Perl next month, a colleague and I have chosen to use an HTML-based slide show which we'll present from an iBook or PowerBook. We both customarily use Safari as our default browser.

I've done other presentations with Apple Keynote and have used a wireless presentation remote (Kensington model 33062) to go forward and backward inside Keynote. I'd like to do the same with this HTML-slide show using Safari.

My colleague knows enough Javascript to have successfully bound the 'n' and 'p' keys to the forward and backward motion of the Safari browser ... but I'd like to be able to the same thing remotely, i.e., not have to touch the keyboard to go to the next slide.

Does anyone know how to bind the keys on this remote to actions in Safari?

(I found this link but can't assess its relevance: http://lists.runrev.com/pipermail/use-revolution/2004-September/ 044787.html)

(Edit the closing paranthesis to get that link to work.)

Thanks in advance.

Jim Keenan

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