I installed 5.8.7 on a Mac Mini running 10.4.2 under /usr/local, executables in /usr/local/bin, used .bash_profile to add /usr/local/ bin to the front of my path (bleaugh).

(Hesitated about installing gpg, but trying to build it gave me a huge bunch of integer precision errors with the sign bit so I decided to just move ahead. Does cpan use openssl if it doesn't find gpg? Or does it just not bother to check the checksums/signatures?)

sudid cpan, with the .cpan file under /usr/local/share/perl. (Is that reasonable?)

Tried to install WWW:Curl from the cpan prompt. At the make test stage, I get about twenty occurences of

    Bareword "CURLOPT_MUTE" not allowed while "strict subs"

in different files, and cpan kindly refuses to complete the install. 105 out of 108 failed. I don't see any other errors.

I'm debating doing a parallel install of the latest curl into /usr/ local/bin.

Anyone have a better suggestion?

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