At 08:08 -0400 7/29/05, Sherm Pendley wrote:
>On Jul 28, 2005, at 11:10 PM, John Horner wrote:
>>What about a script run from BBEdit?
>BBEdit is a GUI app, and GUI apps don't use your login shell. To  define 
>environment variables to be used by GUI apps, have a look at  this Q&A from 

BBEdit also allows BBEdit worksheets which are a bit like Apple's MPW using 
ENTER to execute selected text as shell commands. If you are using one of those 
an instance of your selected shell, tcsh, is associated with each open 
worksheet. On opening a worksheet your ~/.tcshrc is "sourced" and you can set 
environment variables there. Your tcsh login script is NOT run.

It's probably better to create a $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist file but watch 
out for the public tcsh startup files in /etc/. As delivered they can overwrite 
your selections in the plist especially for $PATH. The plist is read only at 
login-to-Aqua time. If you change it you must logout and login again to see the 

Things are better now that it's UNIX underneath. Just ask Steve.

-->  Halloween  == Oct 31 == Dec 25 == Christmas  <--

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