Hello John,

On Aug 3, 2005, at 6:02 PM, John Delacour wrote:

At 12:28 pm +0900 3/8/05, Iyanaga Nobumi wrote:

I tried also:

use Mac::Carbon qw(:files);
print FSpGetFInfo "/Users/[me]/Desktop/my_file";

but I got "FInfo=SCALAR(0x1801434)", what I could not understand or use...

That is because the result is a reference. You need to dereference it like this:

use Mac::Carbon qw(:files);
$info_ref =  FSpGetFInfo "$ENV{HOME}/Desktop/ds.jpg";
print  $$info_ref;
## >> JPEG8BIM
See perldoc perlref

Thank you! I have to learn a lot of things...! But this is good to know.

Best regards,

Nobumi Iyanaga

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