Hi Joe,

... I wrote a little program that creates a new directory each time (ie, 2005-08-09) and does a full backup using psync to the directory.

My question: In the event of a hard disk failure, will I be able to boot from a full copy in a directory? How would I be able to recover?

Probably not, but it's not too hard to make bootable copies. Just partition your backup drive so that you have a partition for each backup copy that you'd like to keep (I tend to "roll" three, so that at any time I have the last 2-3 days of live backups). Then use the Disk Utility to clone a copy of your "live" system onto as many copies as you wish to keep. It takes about 30 minutes to clone mine, but it's obviously pretty sensitive to the size of your live system. This process will produce bootable copies, but you probably don't want to be doing this all the time. My strategy is to get psync to synchronise each of the backups in turn, instituted via a cron job.

Anyway, in more detail:

(1) Make some appropriately sized partitions, so that each will be capable of taking a full copy of your live system. Allow some room for expansion. Disk Utility makes this easy.

(2) For each partition: firstly erase the existing contents (takes about 5 seconds in Disk Utility), in the "Erase" tab. I think you can also click a button in the Restore tab (see below), but I've never gone that route. In any case, erasing any existing stuff is crucial to success.

(3) Go to the restore tab and drag your live system into the "Source" text field and your first clean partition into the second (destination) source field. Click restore, enter admin password, and wait! Repeat as you will.

You might like to test the bootability at this point: I've not had a problem with this technique.

That done you can just set psync to consecutively roll through synchronising with the backups in turn. The entries in the crontab (/ etc/crontab) should be something like

# minute        hour    mday    month   wday    who     command
15 4 * * 3,5 root /usr/local/bin/psync - q -d / /Volumes/backup2 >> /Users/pmccann/psync_output_2 2>&1 15 4 * * 2,4,6 root /usr/local/bin/ psync -q -d / /Volumes/backup3 >> /Users/pmccann/psync_output_3 2>&1

Obviously that's for a rolling pair of backups on the imaginatively named /Volumes/backup2 and /Volumes/backup3. Iterate as necessary and adjust the wday fields. The files "psync_output_2" etc will contain anything to STDOUT or STDERR from the process. In practice I just check that things have run OK by tailing those files and/or checking their modification date.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that the backups always maintain their bootability. I've even --inadvertantly-- bumped the system version of the backups (10.3 => 10.4) using this synchonization technique; didn't cause any difficulties, and bootability remains.

Best wishes,

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