
After burying myself in Apples Documentation it appears
that the question:

     Is "foo" the password for user "baz"?

Can only be answered by digging into the Directory Services
framework. It does not appear to be a task for
the faint hearted...

The NetInfo utility shows me that my authentication authority
is :  ;ShadowHash;HASHLIST:<SALTED-SHA1>

I think mucking around with the SMB login stuff caused the
"traditional" unix style authentication to break.

It does not look like fixing qpopper is in the near future ;(


On Aug 27, 2005, at 8:42 PM, Jerry LeVan wrote:


I just added a PC to my home network and was playing with
trying to access directories on my Mac OS X system and
suddenly my pop server quit working (qpopper). It had
been working fine for at least a year!

Not a single user could connect to the server via
telnet ( I can connect ok but sending the password
*always* fails).

I hopped into perl as root and tried:

macjerry:~ root# perl -de0

Loading DB routines from version 1.28
Editor support available.

Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.

main::(-e:1):   0
  DB<1> print getpwnam "jerry"
jerry********501200Jerry LeVan/Users/jerry/bin/bash0

note the *'s where the password should be...I suspect this
is why qpopper is failing.

I think mucking around with enabling Mac OSX to allow
Windows Networking connections has mucked up how passwords
are handled.

I can still log on ok and the only thing that I have
found so far that is broken is the pop3 server I am

How can I programatically determine if user "x" has password

A cursory exam of the qpopper code "seems" to indicate that
the getpw family of functions seem to be used.

I have spent the better part of the day trying to run down
how to do user authentication on Mac OS X (10.4.2) but I
have not made any headway....

Thanks for any pointers.


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