On Nov 9, 2005, at 1:06 PM, Shawn O'Donnell wrote:

I'm trying to install XML::Simple 2.14 using cpan.

Running perl v5.8.6 built for darwin-2level on OS 10.3.9

t/1_XMLin.........ok 5/122Unable to recognise encoding of this document
  at /Library/Perl/5.8.6/XML/SAX/PurePerl/EncodingDetect.pm line 96.

Another question: I've a lot of bad luck with cpan not installing modules. If I install OS X 10.4, will I get a clean perl installation to work with?

As shown above, you've installed your copy of 5.8.6 in the location normally reserved for the Apple-supplied Perl. It's configured with a different architecture (darwin-2level) than that used by the Perl included with Tiger (darwin-thread-multi-2level), so that *probably* won't cause any major show-stopping problems, since architecture- specific libraries and modules are stored in different subdirectories. Panther-to-Tiger upgrades are much smoother in that regard than Jaguar-to-Panther upgrades were.

On the other hand, because it's configured to use a different architecture, many of the CPAN modules you've installed for this Perl will not work with the standard Tiger Perl. And if problems do happen to crop up, they'll be obscure and difficult to diagnose and debug.

For future reference, it's worth keeping in mind that the easiest thing is to take the advice in readme.macosx, and install your custom Perl in an out-of-the-way location. OS upgrades are like an oncoming train - it's easy to see them coming, and you know where they'll be going, so the easy way to avoid most problems is to simply stay off the tracks.

As far as the XML::Simple module goes... I'd use "force install". With 463 out of 468 subtests passing and only 5 failing, the odds are very good that your own script won't trip over the problem indicated by the failures.


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