I¹m trying to read in an InCopy document using XML::Simple. I¹m using the
XMLin(...) routine and passing the path to the file.

Usually it works fine, and I get what I need from the file and all is well.

But a significant percentage of the time, I start getting errors saying
something akin to:

utf8 "\xBC" does not map to Unicode at
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/XML/SAX/PurePerl/Reader/Stream.pm line 37, <PAGE> line

I wouldn¹t mind the error so much, since my needs are pretty simple. I
wouldn¹t even mind if it blew up and I had to wrap the code in an eval.

But instead, it starts repeating this error over and over in a seemingly
infinite loop (same exact line,  no processing after the XMLin() call).

(The <PAGE> reference is simply my input file from where I¹m determining
which InCopy files to read.)

I¹m stumped as to why this is happening, and am having trouble locating the
module that¹s creating the problem. (The error message is from the read()
call in that module.)

For completeness, here¹s the line of code:

    my $xmlreference = XMLin($filename);

And I do:

    use XML::Simple;

At the top of my script.

Any advice?

John Gilmore-Baldwin

<<attachment: image.jpg>>

<<attachment: image.jpg>>

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