On 25 Jan 2006, at 10:32, Robert Whittle wrote:

Thanks for the detailed and useful info provided. When using the efax approach described, is there any record available anywhere that tells you whether or not the fax was successfully sent or not? Options to retry if the number is busy ?

There are return codes from 'efax' which tell you what transpired:

        0       The fax was successfully sent or received.

1 The dialed number was busy or the modem device was in use. Try again later.

2 Something failed (e.g. file not found or disk full). Don’t retry. Check the session log for more

3 Modem protocol error. The program did not receive the expected response from the modem. The modem may not have been properly initialized, the correct -o options were not used, or a
                bug report may be in order. Check the session log for more 

4 The modem is not responding. Operator attention is required. Check that the modem is turned
                on and connected to the correct port.

        5       The program was terminated by a signal.

I guess one would have to handle the return codes appropriately in the perl script.

This, and much more information on the capabilities of 'efax' are all to be found in the 'man pages': type 'man efax' into the Terminal window.


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