On 2006.5.6, at 07:07 AM, Michael wrote:

There are lots of solutions here, but none of them are built into TK,
nor can they be. If you want your program to interface with an
environment other than the one TK is running ni, it's up to you to
make the links.

I believe you are asserting here that, PerlTK can not (or should not) concern itself with individual platform issues to which it is ported. I respectfully do not agree.

So, do you have some code to start the subproject with? Are you volunteering to lead it? Or maybe to administer the mail list if someone else leads the project?

All that aside, the current status is as Jay described, and if you are in a hurry to get something running, CamelBones is available now. Tcl/Tk is also available in a package tuned for Aqua, but I do not know how well the paste buffers are integrated there. But that's also for another mail list.


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