On Fri, 12 May 2006, Joseph Alotta wrote:

> > My instant reaction to that would have been putting a stripped-down 
> > whitebox running OpenBSD as a logging firewall between the G5 and 
> > the 'net, to check for attacks on the mail and ftp subsystems.
> Can you tell me what a whitebox is?

Generic cheapo x86 computer. Possibly home-built from scrap parts.


> > I have my personal web site on my old clamshell iBook, and it runs a 
> > dynamic DNS client every ten minutes via cron. That basically keeps 
> > the disk spinning constantly. Burned out a drive last year, and I'm 
> > worried it will burn out a drive this year. So I'm thinking of 
> > putting the client on a RAM disk, although, since I wrote the client 
> > in perl, I suspect that I'd then have to copy perl itself to the RAM 
> > disk as well.
> RAM disks are so cheap now.  I saw a 64MB USB on google for $8.97.

Tht's a flash RAM devive, not a RAM disk. Different thing. 


Chris Devers

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