Laurence Haynes wrote:

I'm trying to understand how to use the Mac::Files NewAlias function. I have not found any code examples and I'm struggling.

The NewAlias function creates a filehandle. How do I create an alias file from the alias filehandle?

I'm not surprised: Chris Nandor provided a nicely detailed run through of this process some time back (Feb 2003, it seems). It is, let's say, "pretty grotty", with more emphasis on the grotty than on the pretty!

Have a look at

Just for fun I tried it out locally, and unfortunately it seems to lack a certain something on my 10.4 machine: that being the "alias bit", which isn't set on the newly created file. Flicking that on (using, say, Path Finder) shows that the file does have the right pointer to the original file, and the creator and type are being set correctly, but isn't recognised/represented as an alias in the Finder.

Anyway, I hope this helps gets you pointed in a direction not entirely opposite to where you need to be!


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