On Tue, December 12, 2006 4:46 pm, Marek Stepanek said:

> And here comes my fundamental question: what is the difference between
> "Universal Binary world", the fink installation under the tree of sw/ and
>  my /usr/local/ ... Please I don't want you to explain the basics of
> Macintosh plate form, but perhaps a link I would appreciate very much ...

There is no fundimental difference between sw/ and /usr/local.  They are
both unix tool directories.  /usr/local is a common location in many
unix-style OS's to put programs of this sort.  sw/ is specifically choosen
as _not_ a common location, so that it doesn't interfere with anything you
might have put in the common locations.  (Or that Apple might put there.)

> Is it possible to install all my stuff from sw/ into /usr/local/ to avoid
>  confusion of my Perl Mudules, or at least the Aspell? By the way my Perl
>  is (and I post it here, also if it is long, because you may see here the
>  error resulting of a possible confusion in the different
> Perl-Installations):

Yes, it is.  Aspell, I believe, should compile cleanly on its own and will
install itself in a standard location.

See my point above for why Fink et. all have not done it already: They
don't want to interfere with 'official' software that might be put there. 
(Especially if the official version is modified in some way, which it is
in some cases.)

Daniel T. Staal

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