At 01:56 +0000 12/1/07, Andy Holyer wrote:
>On 1 Dec 2007, at 00:33, Joel Rees wrote:
>>This is probably the wrong list for this question, but is anyone  willing to 
>>give me a clue why
>>$line =~ tr/+/ /;
>>would clip out the lead bytes of a shift-JIS string in a cgi script?
>what was just expressed", but you haven't expressed anything so far,  so god 
>knows what it will match.
>I think you meant to say ".+", but that will just delete the whole  string in 
>this context. What did you want to do?

+ is a special representation of a space in URL encoding but it's the 
one-or-more collective char in perl.  My guess is that the intent is to replace 
plus's with spaces which requires escaping the +, How about

$line =~ tr/\+/ /g;

where I have added the g to get them all.

But what the devil is the thingy (missing char) repeated at least once? Should 
it not have produced a compile error or a least a warning?  Was the -w switch 

--> On the eighth day, about 6 kiloyears ago, the Lord realized that free will 
would make man ask what existed before the Creation. So He installed a few 
gigayears of history complete with a big bang and a fossilized record of 
evolution. <--

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