At 08:43 +0100 8/23/08, Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>>  7 open ("trans", "g5hd:newScansImages:trans") or die "Error, can't open";

open (TRANS, "</Volumes/g5hd/newScansImages/trans")
     or die "Error can't open $!\n";

Be really careful about that /Volumes/ directory.  Apple uses it as a mount 
point for external and secondary disks and not for the "root" disk which can't 
have a name other than "/" in the world of UNIX.

g5hd sounds a lot like a user inserted name for a main disk.  The proper form 
in the UNIX - perl5 world would be more like


where the leading solidus is the root directory for the operating system.

A sure way to get the right string is to open and use Finder to 
drag a file icon into the window. will display the POSIX path 
relative to the current working directory which you might want to set to / with 
a  "cd /" command.


--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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