> Have you tried -isEqual: for other classes? NSApplication is a
> singleton, and Apple may not have anticipated anyone comparing it with
> itself, or with random strings of text. :-)

My real code does not call -isEqual: on NSApplication.
This was just test code for the sake of the bug report.

I real life, I am calling it on UI components, I think NSButtons:



> I'll add some -isEqual: cases to the test suite, in any event. One
> can't have too many test cases.
> sherm--
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Thilo Planz <thilopl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> For a long time, PerlPad has been segfaulting on recent Camelbones
>> versions, and it seems that is caused BOOL return values no longer being
>> mapped properly into Perl.
>> It seems that functions such as NSObject->isEqual that return a BOOL
>> return some kind of memory index to Perl.
>>> my $x = NSApplication->sharedApplication;
>>>       print $x->isEqual($x);
>>>       print "\n";
>> should return YES, prints 44858369
>>>       print $x->isEqual("random string");
>>>       print "\n";
>> should return NO, prints 42636800
>>>       print "true\n" if $x->isEqual("random string");
>> should evaluate to false in boolean context, but evaluates as true.
>> I think in previous versions (of CB) this worked better.
>> Is there any way I can rewrite my code to make at least
>> "isEqual" work for now?
>> Thanks,
>> Thilo

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