Dear MacPerl Users, two more modules have made their way to Mac OS: Bit::ShiftReg 2.0 -- Bit Shift Registers with Rotate / Shift Operations Description: "Implements rotate left, rotate right, shift left and shift right operations with carry flag for all C integer types." and Compress::LZF 0.05 -- extremely leight-weight Lev-Zimpel-Free compression Description: "LZF is an extremely fast (not that much slower than a pure memcpy) compression algorithm. It is ideal for applications where you want to save some space but not at the cost of speed. It is ideal for repetitive data as well." The modules were built for both the PPC and the CFM68K architecture. They will work with MacPerl 5.004 but not with MacPerl 5.6.0. All tests passed on both my PPC Mac and my 68K Mac. However, if there are any problems, please contact me. You can download the ported modules and the readmes from my website via or direct or visit my CPAN directory $CPAN/authors/id/T/TW/TWEGNER/ Enjoy. Best regards, --Thomas _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at