[from the correct e-mail address, this time]

On Jul 22, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Rainer Müller wrote:

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
You may also wish to check for compatible architecture in a different
way. Your way currently handles only on Intel Mac OS X, but according to
the project's web site, it works on any OS so long as it's the _86
architecture. Consider doing it the way I've done it in the wine port:

http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/browser/trunk/dports/ x11/wine/Portfile
I see no reason why checking for darwin i386 could be wrong. Do we
really need to take care of other Operating Systems than Mac OS X? I
mean, it's called MacPorts now and is targeted on users of Mac OS X. Who
is using it on another system?

That's no reason to -intentionally- box yourself (or others) into a corner. The requirement is for 'x86', not for darwin, and as such, expressing a much broader dependency is incorrect.


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