Le 07-08-04 à 06:53, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

On Aug 4, 2007, at 04:03, Rainer Müller wrote:

The point is that internals and default become less transparant and more
complex for the user.

I admit it is a little bit more complex to deselect default_variants if
they are conflicting, like in the python24/python25 case... But after
all, it makes sense to write something like -python25 +python24 (think
that as "without python25, with python24").

See my ports minivmac and pdftk for workarounds to make this easier for the user. I only select the default_variants if no conflicting variants have been selected.

minivmac can emulate several early Mac models. If you don't specify otherwise, it emulates a Mac Plus.

if { ![variant_isset mac128k] && ![variant_isset mac512k] && ! [variant_isset mac512ke] && ![variant_isset macse] } {
        default_variants +macplus

variant mac128k conflicts mac512k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh with 128K RAM and 2 drives} {
        patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac128k.diff

variant mac512k conflicts mac128k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512K with 512K RAM and 2 drives} {
        patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac512k.diff

variant mac512ke conflicts mac128k mac512k macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512Ke with 512K RAM and 6 drives} {
        patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac512ke.diff

variant macplus conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macse description {Emulate a Macintosh Plus with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives (default)} { # Mac Plus emulation is the default so we don't need to do anything here

variant macse conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macplus description {Emulate a Macintosh SE with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives} {
        patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-macse.diff

pdftk can be compiled with any version of gcc. By default I want to use the latest, gcc42, but if the user is on a slow PowerPC Mac and already has an earlier gcc and doesn't want to spend a day upgrading, they can use another variant.

if { ![variant_isset with_gcc34] && ![variant_isset with_gcj34] && ! [variant_isset with_gcc41] && ![variant_isset with_gcc42] } {
        default_variants    +with_gcc42

variant with_gcc34 conflicts with_gcj34 with_gcc41 with_gcc42 i386 description {Build using gcc34 (PowerPC only)} {
        depends_lib-append  port:gcc34
        build.args-append   VERSUFF=-dp-3.4

variant with_gcj34 conflicts with_gcc34 with_gcc41 with_gcc42 i386 description {Build using gcj34 (PowerPC only)} {
        depends_lib-append  port:gcj34
        build.args-append   TOOLPATH=${prefix}/gcj34-3.4.5/bin/

variant with_gcc41 conflicts with_gcc34 with_gcj34 with_gcc42 i386 description {Build using gcc41 (PowerPC only)} {
        depends_lib-append  port:gcc41
        build.args-append   TOOLPATH=${prefix}/bin/ VERSUFF=-mp-4.1

variant with_gcc42 conflicts with_gcc34 with_gcj34 with_gcc41 description {Build using gcc42 (default)} {
        depends_lib-append  port:gcc42
        build.args-append   TOOLPATH=${prefix}/bin/ VERSUFF=-mp-4.2

platform i386 {}

This is exactly my point.

Everything gets complex and confusing. I understand the use of default variants in the 2 cases above because you have many excluding options. But it's just not the best solution when adding or leaving an option.

Maybe "+wihout" is not nice in a logical point of view, but it's simple and straightforward.


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