Juan Manuel Palacios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>       This is a new feature in MacPorts 1.5.1 to detect violations of the  
>pre-established hierarchy that governs the ${prefix} tree, so as to  
>keep a sense of order when installing software. In order to minimize  
>conflicts with the bundled Apache, Apache 2 installs its entire world  
>onto its own prefix within MacPorts' ${prefix}, ${prefix}/apache2/ 
>{bin,lib,include,<etc>}, so that its files are not readily found by a  
>default configured shell; this setup violates the default hierarchy  
>and thus produces the error you saw when upgrading to MacPorts 1.5.1.  
>I just added and committed workaround to the Portfile to indicate the  
>violation is intended in this case, "destroot.violate_mtree yes".  
>Please re-sync your tree in about half an hour from this posting and  
>try installing again, report back to me if you still experiencing the  
>same problem.

I may have missed a previous discussion, but can someone describe exactly
what conditions violate the mtree guidelines?


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