On Sep 4, 2007, at 12:03 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

Very sorry! That was my fault. I've now fixed the svn:date property of revision 2 so the log should work again. The timestamp of revision 1 and revision 3 are identical, so I set revision 2 to that same timestamp.

(I issued a bad "svn propset" command the other day. I was meaning to change my own repo but I was missing an argument or something and then I couldn't figure out what I'd done. I must've been in my dports tree when I issued the command.)

Oh, and I wanted to say: if we had the post-revprop-change email hook, I would've noticed and been able to fix the problem right away. :-)


Maybe the repository shouldn't allow unrevisioned property changes at all? It seems like a good way to stomp on version history.

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