Le 07-09-24 à 13:52, N_Ox a écrit :

Le 24 sept. 07 à 19:20, Yves de Champlain a écrit :


I'm doing some tests with gtk-quartz. Many hours of genuine delight garanteed.

Now, gtk-quartz does not need Xft2 and xrender. So I made the quartz variant remove those deps. But "port upgrade" will try to install them anyway. So I thought of this. I could make quartz variants for those ports to make them install barely a receipt. Some sort of stub. But it seems like a cheesy solution to me.

Any advice ?



Maybe it's not really MacPorts wanting to install them on `port upgrade`,
did you run this command in the Portfile directory?
If that's what you've done, `port upgrade` ignore the Portfile in the current directory, so the one getting sourced by MacPorts is the one in the rsync tree, the one which depends on Xft2 and xrender.

The command was "port upgrade libgnome" (well, maybe not libgnome but something like that)


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